Saturday, April 16, 2011

A Wagging Tail

I am not a dog person. Anyone who knows me knows that. In fourth grade I was hurt by my friend's Siberian Husky. I have tried not to pass along my fear of dogs to my kids, but it was to no avail. If we have ever visited your home, you have had my youngest child ask you if you have any dogs before he will exit my vehicle.

My family consists of one person who has no issue with dogs and four of us who do. We have added a dog of our own to our crazy life. Dogs in rural Colorado are found lying around on porches and roaming free on their owner's land.

We researched dog breeds because that is the kind of people we are. We came to the conclusion that a Great Pyrenees would be a good fit for us. They are loyal and watchful and gentle with their "herd". They are big dogs-- males are 120-160 pounds as adults. There is no chance that one would be bothered by the hawks and eagles.

We found a Pyrenees at the local animal shelter two weeks ago, and he was not claimed by his owners in the five day limit so we had first dibs on him. He is a beautiful, big puppy. He is about four months old and weighs 40 pounds. After a bout of kennel cough and a neutering surgery, we finally brought him home Friday night.

He cried all the way home from the shelter in the car, and my kids began to feel a little glimmer of love for him. They have all done amazingly well. Ben even went outside today and played with him alone in the backyard. That may not sound like a big deal---- believe me it is. He has found a new friend.

If you had asked me a year ago where I would see myself now, I would NOT have answered with, "living in the country on acreage, mowing grass with a riding lawnmower, and owning a big dog." I have never had a dog love me. I have never even had a dog like me. Ranger loves me--- I feed him, and I scratch his itches under that horrible cone. He sits on my feet and leans back and looks up at me. I am beginning to understand what all of my dog-loving friends see in their furry companions. Seeing a tail wagging when I am coming is a new thing for me, and it is pretty cool.

Proverbs 19:21 "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails."

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