Friday, April 22, 2011

Submission and Empowerment

Well, we took our new puppy to the local vet on Wednesday afternoon. He does not love a leash, but he does love the sight and smell of other dogs so much that he will literally choke himself on that leash. He was dragging my giant husband.

We came into the waiting room as obvious novices, and Ranger barked and barked and was so excited that he wet himself. Thank goodness for the vet who came out and distracted him for the other dog to sneak out. They put him on the scale in the waiting room, and he had gained almost 10 pounds in the one week we have had him. Yikes. He is now 47 big pounds.

The vet has Pyrenees dogs of her own so she has a special place in her heart for these big white fluffs. She did say after she and her assistant wrestled him around for a few minutes that he might the liveliest Pyr she has ever seen. "Pushy" was the word the animal shelter used. I agree. He is sweet as can be and obeys great when he wants to but not so great when he doesn't want to. Those two women took him down and had him in a sort of wrestling pin with a Vulcan grip-like headlock. They said we need to do the same thing when he gets crazy.

Did I mention that I am afraid of dogs? I have been doing what I think is a fine job feeding and playing with and petting him--- even making him sit before a treat or a meal--- but to physically wrestle him to the ground--- I don't know about that. These gals are big and are equipped with man-hands. Ranger settled down for them quickly and became a doll.

The moment of truth came later in that same day. I went out to walk him, and he was so excited to see me that he jumped on me (paws are on my shoulders) and then started biting at my legs when he got down. I did the yelps and gave the commands that I was supposed to and he did not stop. I decided to channel my inner man-hands, and I took him down. I laid him out on his side on the back porch with me over him, and I used the Spock grip the vet taught me to put pressure on his backbone while holding his mouth (like his momma would). It lasted a few minutes and required a few more take downs, but at last he went limp and started licking my hand. I let him up and he sat beside me and I praised and praised him. Inside I praised and praised myself, and I panted as I hurried to tell someone what I had done.

I went inside empowered and unafraid. I could not believe what I had just done. I felt sure I would have to do it many more times, but at least I knew and he knew I could do it. I think I can sense that he knows something changed....something changed the day I met the ladies with the man-hands. Maybe we will survive the giant puppy days and will have the reward of a well behaved companion on the other side.

Hebrews 12:11 "No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it."

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