Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Adrenaline is a funny thing. I have felt the surge often lately.

There are two roads to town from our house-- one goes to Rye and the other to Colorado City. For my school drop-off and pick up routine, I make the loop. So coming home from the elementary school, I travel down the road from Rye. It is a dirt road with several twists and turns and rolling hills along with some cliffs complete with old mines. About 3/4 of the way down that road, just past the alpaca farm, there is a small house set back from the road. This is the home of the dog I call Kujo.

He is a big dog-- looks like a St. Bernard mixed with something smaller and faster. He has a spot by the road, hidden by grass and a little hill where he hides. When a car drives past, he jumps out and runs behind the back tires. I know he is there, and I know he is going to jump out. Why is it then, that even though I know what is going to happen, I still jump and shriek and hold on to the steering wheel with all I have got? I always look behind me to make sure I haven't hit him. He is always behind me running, and then he stops and heads back to his spot to wait for the next car to come by.

The eleven inches of snow melted into some very wet dirt and gravel roads. My SUV is silver, but it is now brown with mud. I am one of those people that you see that you wonder why in the world they don't wash their vehicle. I can tell you there is no point. While the roads are moist, the mud will cake, the four wheel drive will be a must, and my adrenaline will be flowing.

Today, I was cleaning bathrooms when I flushed the toilet, and the water began to come back at me. The toilet began overflowing in slow motion, and I became a ninja. I threw the rug out of the bathroom, grabbed the plunger, plunged the toilet, and began mopping up water with a nearby towel all at once. The plunging did not work, so I leaped into my room and moved the dining room table leaf which was propped beside the dresser adjacent to the bathroom, and stuffed a towel in the path of the water to slow it while I plunged again. It finally worked, and the water headed back down. I started the clean up and began to breathe.

I am thankful for the ability to move fast and have the "fight or flight" mechanism working well in my body. I feel sure I will be using it more times than I can imagine. For now, I am headed out to do the school run, and I know Kujo will be waiting. I will be surprised again.

Psalm 73:26 "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."

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