Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The list grows longer by the day.

When we bought our home, we were interested in studying the disclosure information from the seller. There were a few minor things in the house itself that were listed, but on the bottom of the form, she had written in an additional section--"SIGNIFICANT WILDLIFE: INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO...". What followed was a long listing of animals. I can tell you that in our days of looking for and at homes in Fort Worth, we never saw anything of the sort.

Each day we are here we are adding to our own mental list the things we have seen. Yesterday we added coyotes to that list. Sunday was turkeys. Last week was antelopes, hawks, as well as more and more deer. We have now seen mule deer and white tail deer- male and female. We just had another of the cattlemen from our area stop by. His name is Grizz. He said yesterday afternoon he was in the field next to ours working on a fence and saw eighteen bull elk come through. I missed them. The only elk I have seen so far has been mounted in Max's Diner and the True-Value.

The birds have been amazing as well. I saw these unusual blue birds and hurried to look them up to see what they are called. They are birds. It was truly anticlimactic. They are beautiful though.

We are out here in the midst of the SIGNIFICANT WILDLIFE. We are trying to keep our eyes and ears open and our binoculars handy. I am thankful we have seen no more mice-yay! and have seen no snakes yet. I am sure they have all seen us. The deer always look a little perturbed when we stop and stare. The kids say that the deer are thinking, "aren't these new people over us yet?". I don't think I will ever be over them.

Psalm 104:24 "How many are your works, O Lord! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures."

1 comment:

  1. How cool that you never have to go on safari to see all the wildlife, you're living the safari!!
