Saturday, March 19, 2011

Do you smell eggs?

After our beginning with no heat or hot water because of lack of propane, we then had the realization that our water is absolutely disgusting. The water purifier man was scheduled to come soon so we went ahead and used it to shower but used bottled water for everything else.

It is now almost a week later and the water is no better. It may actually be worse. Harland just got off the phone with the THIRD water man. Third time is the charm, right? I hope so... Isabel and I have hair that is dangerously close to dreadlocks.

Turns out that our well water is so bad that they don't make purification systems big enough to handle the stench. It is sometimes brown but usually gray, and it smells of boiled or rotten eggs with some iron (which smells like blood to me) mixed in.

City water is the final step. We will have water man #3 plumb our cistern to hold city water and be pumped into the house. We will then have city water delivered every 2-3 days. Harland will be soon trading in his sporty little 1995 BMW for a pick-up truck that can hold a water tank in the bed. His plan is to eventually haul it himself. Sounds like a lot of fun.

In all of this, we have become quite the water conservationists. I am a little like Caroline Ingalls pouring water from a jug over hands and fruit and toothbrushes ,etc. to wash or wet them. Do we shower in it at this point? Only when we stink worse than the water. That came last night for Harland and me. It had been 2 or 3 days since a shampoo and shower. I finally got my stove hooked up yesterday as well, so I warmed bottled water on the stove and bathed kids one at a time in the middle of the kitchen in non-stinky water. We have no blinds by the way. The good news is that only cows, deer, and mice might have been watching.

Isaiah 12:2-3 "Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The Lord, the Lord, is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation."

1 comment:

  1. Too funny! I know exactly what you are talking about. My granny Wilson had well water. It had a lot of sulfur in it. We had to get use to it every time we would visit! Hope you get city water soon and a new truck to top it off! :-)
