Friday, September 9, 2011


There is a sense of pride that I think every mother and father feel about their children. I have felt it for over twelve years now, but yesterday my understanding of pride moved to a whole new level.

I am proud, at times, of accomplishments and proud of behavior, but yesterday I became proud of actual character. Harland and I felt like we had been plopped down in the midst of a Hallmark movie set and our child was the main character. Tears were flowing.

The setting was the first district cross country meet. Now, the Casons and the Cushings have historically never been known for running. Ben joined cross country at his middle school and has been improving his time on the two mile each practice. I can truly say that I hate to run (unless chased), and two miles is a very long way to me.

The team is made up of about 12 girls and 12 boys. The boys ran first yesterday (along with about 70 other boys from different schools). Ben was immediately in the back of the pack and there he stayed for the entire race. He was in last place. The other boys lapped him. We were on the sideline cheering him on. His coach was cheering him on. If that had been me, I would have quit in the first lap. He kept going.

The last portion of the race was around the track. All other 70ish boys had finished, and Ben was approaching the track. He ran the entire track alone with his team cheering him on like he was the leader. It was too much-- Harland and I were bawling. He finished. I have never been more proud. He wasn't embarrassed about being last. He did it. He finished the race. He has perseverance that I know for a fact I did not possess as a seventh grader, and I do not think I possess to that level even now.

What a great life lesson we got to see right in front of us. We have six more meets in the coming weeks--- I hope our emotions can take it. I will bring some tissues next time in my pocket.

Acts 20:24 "However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me-- the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace."

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