Sunday, July 3, 2011

Cilantro-- MIA

I have never had much of a green thumb, so I was very excited to see that the cilantro seeds I planted had sprouted and grown into beautiful four inch tall little plants. I moved the flower pot holding the cilantro into the kitchen a few days ago when I noticed that our kittens enjoyed laying in the pot when it was on the porch.

I went into the kitchen the following morning to find that half of my cilantro was gone--mowed down to the soil. The other half was fine. I thought I might be crazy, so I asked if anyone could confirm that there had been cilantro in the entire pot when we went to bed. They all agreed but thought nothing of it. I set a mouse trap in the pot.

The next morning, the remaining cilantro was gone. Every bit of it was gone without a trace-- eaten. The trap was of course empty. There was a little evidence that it was indeed a mouse who had been there. I started calling him "Speedy Gonzalez" because of his affinity for the Mexican herb. I put two traps out in the pot this time.

Yesterday, I checked the pot and found nothing in the sticky traps but a little soil. I did, however, hear a squeak. I yelled, "ARRIBA, ARRIBA!" as I looked at the trap in the kitchen behind the garbage can and saw a very fat gray mouse. Speedy had had his last bite of cilantro in this world. I took great pleasure in announcing to Harland the executioner that the mouse had been caught and was awaiting destruction. I watered my empty pot and hoped for a sprout or two to come back.

This morning there were indeed four or five little sprouts poking through the soil. If we have no more Mexican food loving mice, perhaps it will grow enough I can actually use it. Until then, I will be watching it daily and buying my cilantro from the produce department of the grocery store.

James 1:21 "Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you."

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