Friday, July 22, 2011

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens...

Last week I took my first trip out of Colorado since our move in March. I was in the very humid state of Florida for five days. I went to Pensacola for my twentieth high school reunion, and it coincided with some other friends being in town for summer vacation and other events. I caught up with many of them that I have not seen in years, and while on the coast, I got to enjoy a few of my favorite things.

I had seafood almost every day I was there. I felt a little like Forrest Gump. I love shrimp and had it three days straight fixed different ways. I got a heaping helping of hot boiled peanuts on two separate occasions from local convenience stores and enjoyed a Coke Icee at least four times. I had a giant bowl of fresh figs as well. Each day I indulged in a very, very long shower. I did not have to think about the amount of water I was using or have the visual of the water level in the cistern dropping and dropping. I washed my hair twice and conditioned it each time I got a shower--- nice.

My dad thought it would be funny to place fake mice in a couple of spots in their house. It was funny. The funniest part was that I didn't even flinch when I saw them. I was visiting at a friend's house and a very tiny spider crawled out on her carpet, and she was pretty grossed out by it. I put my cup of coffee down and smashed the thing without even thinking, picked my coffee back up and kept talking.

Many of the people I was able to see from long ago have helped shape me into who I am today. There were good friends from high school, close college friends who are almost like sisters, the parents of my friends I grew up with, some extended family I've not seen in a while, and my loving parents all crammed into my five day visit. It was a refreshing reminder of where I came from and where I have been. My parents spoiled me all week, and I hardly had to lift a finger. I loved my visit, but it was time to come home.

I missed some of my new favorite things like the mountain views, the feel of the cool breeze in the house with all windows open, the antelope and deer in the fields, the stars at night, the simplicity and down-to-earth ways of our church in Rye, my crazy animals, and most of all my husband and three sweet kids. It was time to come back to my new reality and get my boots on and my gun ready. The long showers will have to wait until my next overnight visit to a big city.

Philippians 1:2-3 "Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank my God every time I remember you."

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