Friday, June 10, 2011

Court is now in session.

It has been an eventful few days here in our neck of the woods. We have had Harland's sister and her three kids here and we delivered an exciting visit ---maybe too exciting.

The first evening they arrived, all six kids were outside looking at the dog and the kittens. Ben pushed some of the kids out the way and yelled, "Snake!!!" We herded the kids back inside, and Harland went to check it out. It was a four foot rattlesnake right next to the backyard fence just off the deck. Thankfully it was sleeping, and he chopped it's head off with the shovel. The head of a rattlesnake can strike even after severed, and it bit the shovel about five times. We called the kids out and kept them at a distance of course, but we wanted them to see what the snake looks like and to see the way the head continues to strike. Harland then took the head out and buried it, and we all went inside and tried to get our heart rates to go down. It was disturbing.

The next morning we were enjoying a slow morning of playing when Harland yells from outside to not let anyone out of the house. He was heading back to the house from his office when he came across a second rattlesnake. This one was spread out in my flower bed right next to the front porch. It was too close to the wire under the house (which is there to keep all critters out-- I am very thankful to have it) for him to use the shovel. His only gun was located in his office with all the ammo inside the house. He called for me to get him a bullet or two. I hurried to the hiding spot and got Barney Fife his bullet. He shot that rattlesnake in the head in a single shot with his 22, and it was dead. He chopped the head off with the shovel and this time not only was the head striking, but also the tail was rattling. We called the kids out again so we could all hear the rattle. Two rattlesnakes in less than 15 hours--- it was very disturbing.

Harland went back to his office, and Kristie and I finished packing our picnic and got those kids out of here and up the mountain to the creek and park. Following the park, we headed straight to town to buy a much needed shotgun. I can add this to the list of the things I have never done and never really thought I would do. I have shot the BB gun and Harland's 22 for fun at targets we set up in the field. I have never held a handgun in my life. The one Harland and I had decided on is a handgun to do the job of a shotgun or handgun. That way we can take it on hikes, etc. It is called the Judge. I was less than graceful as a gun buyer. I made it through the process and learned how to load, unload, and hold it and aim. After a 40 minute wait for a background check with my sister-in-law and all six of our kids, I was escorted out of The Big R by a large man who held my new gun all the way to my car.

I honestly expected to come home to find more snakes. We had the kids stay in the car while we checked the entire area between the car and the front door. We were pleasantly surprised to not see any more snakes. The experience, while awful, was very educational as far as being cautious and what to look for and listen for. We were being careful before, but now we are careful on a whole new level.

Kristie was hoping to see a bear while here. I am pleased to report that we saw two black bears from our vehicle in a neighborhood around the lake about 15 minutes from our house. It was really cool to see.... from the car. On the way home from the drive, we were saying that we haven't seen any elk yet since we have been here. As we rounded the corner on the dirt road, there were two elk by the trees. They were huge like moose! It was a nice calm way to see some beautiful wildlife from a distance and decompress a bit from the day of danger and adrenaline.

There was probably no one better to have here with us when finding the snakes. Kristie is level-headed and is really gifted at staying calm. I think she was exactly what I needed as I tried to process all of the things that could have happened. I am so thankful that she was here.

My hope is that the one pair of rattlesnakes was all that we had. I realize that is probably unrealistic, but it is my hope. We are more prepared than we were and more educated. I am still overwhelmed with thankfulness that no one was hurt--- totally overwhelmed. For the record, I am looking forward to the cold weather when the snakes retreat for the winter. In the meantime, you might find us indoors a little more and searching every nook and cranny outside before we let kids out. You will find me learning more and more about gun safety and becoming a proficient shooter. If you see us on a walk or hike, you will find that we have one more member of the family with us--- The Judge--- just in case.

Matthew 10:16 "I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves"

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